Title: Heart of Buddha
Length: 62:00
Artist: Anael & Bradfield
©2010 APSIS Music. All rights reserved.
Resembling a film score to a movie waiting to appear, Heart of Buddha from Bradfield extends the artist’s multiyear quest into the Buddhist philosophy. Part piano concerto wrapped in exotic musical instruments, part meditative interlude, it features the 100 syllable mantra of Vajrasattva right in the heart of the album itself, true to its title.
Instrumentation includes the haunting sounds of the duduk and eastern baritone violin, sweeping string sections and solo oboe and cello. Anael lends her delicate vocals to the mix, drifting in and out with the central melodic theme. A bold new sound from Bradfield that fluidly combines styles to create a passionate and striking musical voyage.
To buy the complete album with booklet containing artwork & lyrics, please visit APSIS Music website.