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" With extensive research and the latest discoveries, we now know that Quantum Physics meets spirituality. "
The physics of spirituality / Nassim Haramein with Vishen Lakhiani
" Important information should soon be revealed about UFOs. "
UFO News is about to change the world
" A true leap forward for our health as we age. "
Human ageing process biologically reversed in world first
" Invitation to the Fire the Grid 2 worldwide meditation "
The last Global Meditation was held on February 21, 2022 at 11:07 GMT.

" Big-heartedness is the most essential virtue on the spiritual journey. "
– Matthew Fox
" Tibetan Buddhist mantras have never sounded as gently serene... "
Amitabha | Buddha Spirit
" " Wow! Those blue orbs are so amazingly beautiful. Like Mr. Spock would say: Fascinating! " "
Strange blue orb appeared over New Hampshire and scared witnesses.

" If you do a good job for others, you heal yourself at the same time, because a dose of joy is a spiritual cure. It transcends all barriers. "
– Ed Sullivan
" Everything that gives us hope is worth sharing. Let there be Light! "
We are from the Future
" This video is truly interesting because it makes us see our reality from a totally different perspective. "
Buddhist Monks Superpowers: Rainbow Body, Levitation, Immortal Monks

" We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. "
– Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
" We are not alone, the universe is too big for us to be the only intelligent life in it. "
UFO Sighting over Montreal Canada Object Descends From the Sky Close Encounter Oct 31st 2020
" Beginning and ending in the sky while touching down everywhere in between... Anael’s invitation into the celestial heavens. "
Sky Sent (Disclosure) | Spiritual Beings on a Human Journey
" A remarkable invention for those suffering from severe burns. Spray-On Skin: 'Miracle' Stem Cell Treatment Heals Burns Without Scarring "
Spray-On Skin: ‘Miracle’ Stem Cell Treatment Heals Burns Without Scarring
" We have a lot to learn from the First nations around the world. "
How Inuit Parents Teach Kids to Control Their Anger
" A powerful prayer to do every day from one of my favorite spiritual teacher Moji. "
A Simple, Powerful Prayer in Challenging Times
" Dr. Joe Dispenza is also so inspiring and explain so well how our brain and energy works. Enjoy this great teacher! "
Where Your Attention Goes Your Energy Goes | Dr. Joe Dispenza and Lewis Howes
" Such an important breakthrough for cancer sufferers! It is said that it’s side effect free and totally effective! "
Scientist Demonstrates How Cancer Can Be Destroyed By Frequencies
" Wow, what a breakthrough for people with Alzheimer's disease! "
Link between Alzheimer’s and intestinal microbiota

" You are never alone or helpless. The force that guides the stars, guides you too. "
– Shrii Shrii Anandamurti
" We are much more powerful than we think! "
Sacred Secrets of the Vatican: The manuscript that reveals our supernatural powers.
" Have you ever seen such an amazing pattern? "
Is the Physical World a Neural Network?
" Mother Nature always gives us what we need to heal ourselves. "
Edible Mushrooms: Nature’s Most Researched Anti-Cancer Agent
" Wise words of a great human being and a great actor. "
Message from Anthony Hopkins: Let go of people who aren’t ready to love you yet!

" Walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the planners, the doers, the successful people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground. Let their spirit ignite a fire within you to leave this world better than when you found it… "
– Wilferd Peterson
" Peace, Light and Love to all of you. Hope you'll enjoy the song of this video. "
ANAEL ~ Be Still Thy Soul (Official)

ANAEL is the founder and organizer of the Fire the Grid Worldwide Meditations.
She is an international New Age singer, she loves music, nature, animals, mankind, and raising the frequency and consciousness of the people in her entourage. She is also fond of holistic health & eco-friendly solutions. Her motto: LOVE is the key. We are ONE.